Monday, May 18, 2009

"Slumdunder Mifflinaire"

Okay, this post has nothing to do with the title. Its just a phrase that is stuck in my head. Has been since Thursday.

I called the husband this afternoon, asked him what he was doing. Not an uncommon conversation, as many of you understand. Apparently he is in the process of assembling something for me. Wahoo! He won't tell me what it is and now I can't wait to get home, assuming it will be done today. Knowing him, he will probably tell me I can't go into the basement or the 2nd bedroom or something. He knows how much I hate restrictions.

Also, apparently I'm really good at guessing things that he gets me. Normally, this is a really good thing...except he's learning. Now, he won't give me one clue or hint to let my mind do its thing.

*On a completely unrelated issue, my best friend is having a baby really really she could be in labor right this very second. She was due on Saturday and I have been on edge every time my phone rings. I get really crazy when I miss a call. This, friends, is exciting stuff. Baby best friend, hurry your late self up. Thanks.

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