Thursday, July 30, 2009

Whelp, its official

So, remember when I said I had exciting news that I couldn't share yet? Well, now I can share it. Adam and I are now officially (said like o-fficially) the State Directors for the Not For Sale campaign. Crazy, I KNOW. We spent the better part of today hanging out in the Not For Sale tent at a music festival up here in New Hampshire, chatting it up with some of the staff of Not For Sale. It was pretty stinkin sweet. We had a few casual conversations with David Batstone himself, and in my mind I am trying not to think about the fact that he is who he is. I'm reading his book. That he wrote. That I bought it at a major bookstore. People have heard of him. Lots of people. Good thing I didn't freak out.

Some of you five people that read this here blog may be asking what this gig might entail. Basically, this means raising awareness about human trafficking, organizing events, and helping people find out how God has gifted them to fight the injustice of modern day slavery. This is new for New Hampshire, so it really is gonna be whatever we make it. Its one of the things I love about NFS. It is whatever we make it. If we want to pour 80 hours a week into this, we can do that. If we want to pour 10 hours a week into this, we can do that. We could not be more excited about this opportunity to get people involved in the fight against slavery.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Last night, Adam and I had 22 of the CHIC students at our house for a reunion of sorts. To tell you the truth, I had no idea that our house could hold so many people. It was such a cool thing, to be able to use our house for its intended purpose.

Anyway, being that it is Friday, and being that Friday equals Things I Learned Day on this here blog, I thought I would share a little of what I learned at CHIC.

1. 20 hours on a bus as a 24 year old is very different than 20 hours on a bus as a 16, 17, or 18 year old. I may still be feeling the repercussions. I know I'm still young, but hey! I can feel pain, too.

2. There are days that watered down disgusting coffee is a glorious thing. Example: Stay up until 1am after an exhausting two day day (the one with the bus,) wake up at 7am, walk the bleary-eyed half mile to breakfast. Pour that cup of coffee and relish in the fact that it is chock full of caffeine, even if there is only powdered non-dairy creamer. Glorious.

3. Even more glorious than a watered down disgusting cup of coffee chock full of caffeine - that first cup of actual coffee after said gross coffee. WITH REAL CREAM!

4. Worshipping with 5500 other people is a little intoxicating.

5. Helping high school girls process the things they've learned is one of the biggest joys of my life. It could be my calling.

6. I HAVE to do something about the 27 million slaves in this world. It pisses me off that we have allowed this, as the body of Christ.

7. Valleys fill first.

8. Shane Claiborne is one of my favorite speakers. ever.

9. Watching high school boys react to a spoonful of Blazin' sauce from Buffalo Wild Wings is one of the funniest things to do. No, really, try it.

10. This is the verse God keeps bringing me back to: "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

I could keep going, but I have a husband and a dog waiting at home for me so we can trek down to Rhode Island.
Peace out.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

an amazing week

Last week, Adam and I went down to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville with about 35 of our high school students. Why in the world would I go down to TENNESSEE, Land Of The Humid Bugginess And The Humidity And The Bugs, Not To Mention The Vols in the middle of the summer? For one of the most transformative weeks that I have ever gotten to be a part of. Every three years, the Evangelical Covenant Church gets all of its high school students together for a week of goodness. We call this week CHIC, which stands for Covenant High In Christ. Clever, huh? Okay, more like old school, but it stuck when it was introduced back in 1956.

Taken from the Evangelical Covenant Church's website: "CHIC exists to be a catalyst that inspires Christ-like change, challenge students to see themselves as part of something bigger and inspire students towards the journey of following Christ. Through CHIC, we want to see students be a Christ-centered community (Genesis 28:3),confident in their relationship with Christ (Romans 8:38-39) and committed to doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly wih their God (Micah 6:8)."

Each morning had a different focus; Our Experience with World, with Others, with Self, and with God. Two directors from the Not For Sale Campaign joined us for the World day, and shared how we can become Backyard Abolitionists. God spoke to Adam and I on that day specifically, and our lives will never be the same. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements that I cannot share yet. But be ye not afraid, for they are exciting.

Anyway, that is not where I planned to go with this post. These high school students, 5200 to be approximate, became passionate about what justice looks like in this world. They began to understand the depths of who God is. They loved each other. Some had the chance to have the "call" affirmed. Some now know that New England is and will always be their mission, for it is quite the mission! I know I'm using cliche terms here, and I hate it, but I can't for the life of me come up with anything other words to describe these phenomena.

There are so many stories that I want to share, but they can't find the right way out yet. Again, be ye not afraid, for they will work their way through of my fingers and onto these keys. Until then, go in peace.